Free and Reduced Price Meals
Depending on your family income and household size, your student may qualify for free or reduced price meals. To apply, please review the following information.
Information and Application for Free and Reduced Meal Program
En Español:
Información y solicitud para el programa de comidas gratis o a precio reducido
Print the information and application and return to:
Robin Budig
Food Services Program Assistant
PO Box 519
Duvall, WA 98019
Or, your child's school
You may also complete the application on-line through Family Access.
Meal Payment
eFunds for Schools - Online payment option for families
Riverview offers a program to pay for various school fees online. e-Funds for Schools offers options for parents/guardians who choose to make payments on-line and is extremely user friendly. Not only will you have the ability to have school fees and meal payments electronically withdrawn from your checking account or charged to your credit card, you also have the flexibility to make a payment at any time through the link below.
The e-Funds For Schools service is offered by a third party service provider who charges for processing your payment(s), similar to other on-line banking services. The district does not request or keep records of family checking or credit card account information. On-line meal payments go immediately to your student's meal account. We will no longer accept credit/debit card payments over the phone for meal payments.
Log in at: eFunds for Schools
We recommend that you pre-pay for meals purchased via:
e-Funds for Schools
Cash sent to school with your student
Check sent to school with your student
Elementary and middle school students are allowed to charge (go minus on their meal account) up to the amount of two lunches. High school students are not allowed to charge any amount on their accounts.
You may view your student's meal account balance and purchasing activity through Family Access. You may also sign up for the low balance email notice through Family Access.
There is also a link to eFunds when you log onto Family Access.