The Riverview School Board of Directors is now accepting applications for the Junior Student Representative position for the 2023-24 school year. Applications are available for current Sophomores, who will graduate in 2025, and be Juniors next year. Application packets are available online on Cedarcrest High School and Riverview Learning Center school websites, via the QR Code above, or by clicking here.
To access the information through the websites, click "Parents & Students." Then, from the dropdown menu, click "School Board Student Rep Information" for the application packet. Students will need to use their RSD credentials to login and access materials.
Students who serve as a Student School Board Representative:
• Serve a Two-Year Term on the Riverview School District School Board of Directors. • Earn .5 elective credit for each completed semester of service. • Are a Voice for Students across the Riverview School District. • Attend legislative events and conferences, meet politicians, and advocate for Riverview students.
Applications are due May 21, 2023. Interviews take place May 31, 2023.
Red Wolves and Ravens, serve your Riverview Community with this unique and amazing opportunity. Apply today!