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Riverview School District Sports and Athletics Information - Spectators/Athletes/Coaches

With a new school year upon us, and the return to full-time, in-person learning on Wednesday, September 1, 2021, the Riverview School District is excited to welcome back sports and athletic events to both Cedarcrest High School and Tolt Middle School this fall. As currently scheduled, there will be fall, winter, and spring sports seasons for Cedarcrest and Tolt student-athletes.

This communication is designed to outline expectations and protocols in place for spectators, student-athletes, coaches, and the community when it comes to attending and/or participating in Cedarcrest and Tolt sports.

As we continue to adapt to an ongoing and ever-changing pandemic, please note that all guidelines are subject to change.

Sports for the 2021-2022 school year will occur as follows:


Boys & Girls Cross-Country (Varsity | Junior Varsity)

Football (Varsity | Junior Varsity)

Girls Soccer (Varsity | Junior Varsity | "C" Team)

Volleyball (Varsity | Junior Varsity | "C" Team)

Cheer (Varsity | Junior Varsity)


Boys & Girls Basketball (Varsity | Junior Varsity | "C" Team (Girls))

Boys & Girls Wrestling (Varsity | Junior Varsity)


Boys Soccer (Varsity | Junior Varsity)

Boys & Girls Track and Field (Varsity | Junior Varsity)

Boys & Girls Golf (Varsity | Junior Varsity)

Baseball (Varsity | Junior Varsity)

Fastpitch Softball (Varsity | Junior Varsity)

TOLT (SEASON 1 2021)

Boys Soccer (7th and 8th Grade)

Boys & Girls Cross-Country (6th, 7th & 8th Grade)

Volleyball (7th & 8th Grade)

TOLT (SEASON 2 2021)

Girls Basketball (7th and 8th Grade)

Wrestling (6th, 7th, and 8th Grade)

TOLT (SEASON 3 2022)

Girls Soccer (7th and 8th Grade)

Boys Basketball (7th & 8th Grade | Varsity and Junior Varsity)

TOLT (SEASON 4 2022)

Boys & Girls Track and Field (6th, 7th, and 8th Grade)


Masks will be required at all indoor activities, regardless of vaccination status.

Currently there are no capacity restrictions at Cedarcrest or Tolt athletic events, besides existing fire code capacity restrictions. Attestations will not be required and there will be no need to pre-register for attending any athletic events where attendance is permitted.

Spectators are recommended and encouraged to wear a mask when attending outdoor activities. Spectators are not required to wear masks at outdoor activities at this time.

Physical distancing of three feet, as well as sitting with family members, is encouraged to limit potential exposure.

Concessions will be permitted for outdoor events. For events indoors, concessions will not be available at this time.

Refusing to abide by the DOH/WIAA guidelines, including, but not limited to, the refusal to wear a mask, could result in removal from events and further restrictions on the attending of events on campus in the future. Officials and/or event supervisors are given permission to stop athletic events and competitions from occurring should non-compliance become an issue.



Coaches, assistants, trainers, and student-athletes on the sidelines will not be required to wear masks at outdoor events.

The wearing of masks when not participating, regardless of vaccination status, is strongly encouraged and recommended.


Student-athletes, while competing or actively practicing with indoor sports, must wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status.

Coaches, assistants, and trainers on the sidelines must wear masks at all times during competitions and practices.

All supervisors and event workers/volunteers for indoor events must have masks on at all times.


All drivers and riders utilizing school district transportation must wear masks at all times, regardless of vaccination status.

Following these guidelines will help ensure the potential success of a safe and complete athletic season for our student-athletes, coaches, and families. If you have any questions, please contact your student's coach or Cedarcrest Athletic Director, Jason Frederick or Tolt Athletic Director, Karen Maguigad.

We wish everyone a wonderful beginning to the school year and hope our Cedarcrest and Tolt student-athletes have safe and exciting seasons this year!


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