Stillwater Elementary
Welcome to Stillwater Elementary School!
Stillwater Elementary School is privileged to have such a talented, dedicated group of professionals working with our children each day. Each year, as a school, we set strategic school improvement goals focused on high levels of student learning in math, reading, writing and science. Our efforts will continue to build on our strengths and refine our practice. Through a district focus on the fine arts, we integrate the arts into all subject areas to make learning meaningful and fun.
Without a doubt, we have the most dedicated support staff you will find anywhere. From the classroom, to the office, to the lunch room, to extended day programs, to our custodial staff, their teamwork and commitment make this school not only function efficiently, but makes Stillwater Elementary feel like a family.
Stillwater receives enormous support from our parent community as well. Each day dozens of volunteers can be seen working with children and helping teachers. Parents are welcome at all times and encouraged to be involved. Our PTSA does an outstanding job of helping with projects and funding special events.
An exciting year of learning awaits our students and a talented, caring group of professionals stands ready to guide and support them.
Mission: Stillwater is a dynamic learning community where everyone thrives.
Vision: Stillwater encourages a sense of belonging, a desire for excellence, and the resiliency to adapt to a changing world.